- Getting ahead of the competition in Goa filled with huge number of beach resorts.
- No brand engagement with target audience
- No or minimal social media presence
- No social media reach/engagement with target audience
- Creating Fresh & Updated Look of the brand overall
- Less number of fans in social media network
- Getting ahead of the competition in Goa filled with huge number of beach resorts.
- No brand engagement with target audience
- No or minimal social media presence
- No social media reach/engagement with target audience
- Creating Fresh & Updated Look of the brand overall
- Less number of fans in social media network
• Run social media ads for Facebook Page Likes to make more people.
• Daily posts on Facebook & Instagram to ensure active engagement with the audience keeping up with their interests/sentiments.
• Creating events on Facebook to build participation of the target audience & ensuring footfall for the same.
• Running online contest to ensure active engagement with the target audience and keep the interest going.
28% OTA Room Nights Increased Vs Last Year
33% OTA Revenue Increased Vs Last Year
Jan to May 2015 - OTA Room Nights and Revenue Contribution

Jan to May 2015 - OTA Room Nights and Revenue Contribution


Today more than half of its business, has come via offline & online activities initiated by Internet Moguls & timely delivery creating a buzz among the target audience
Facebook Fan Base: 105, 632 Page Likes (26% Increase in fan base)
Instagram Followers: 2569 (increase by 255 Followers)